
Ingaz Microfinance Solutions

Ingaz Microfinance Solutions

Who we are

Ingaz Microfinance was founded to promote financial inclusion by offering a comprehensive range of accessible financial products.

We deliver superior value to our clients by providing them with the right financial products.

We support you in every step in your business to make it as big as your dreams.

We help you understand your needs, convert all your objective into reality, and make your business grow!

Our Financial Solutions

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This product is designed to provide essential funding to micro businesses owned or managed by male and female entrepreneurs.


This product is designed for women entrepreneurs who are running a small business from home.WHAK CHAN WHAN HHAN

Activities Loan

A product for men who work from home and are engaged in productive, commercial or service activities.

Rural Activities

A product for rural entrepreneurs to enhance productivity and drive economic growth in rural areas.


This loan is intended to female entrepreneurs to start or develop their own businesses.


We offer a free microinsurance product with every loan for all clients and their families.

Find your nearest branch

With more than 10 branches, you can find us around you.

Who We Are

A dedicated team is here to help our clients to fulfill their needs and achieve their goal. We provide positive experiences for our clients.

Three easy steps to register with Ingaz

1. Apply for your loan

2. Our loan officer will contact you to check and verify your data

3. Check your eligibility: We will check your iScore and approve your

4. Get your loan: Receive your loan in 48 hrs

How it works?

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